Dilma vira o jogo. Correspondente inglês diz: "líder poderosa e menos compreendida do mundo".
"A presidente Dilma Rousseff recebeu um grupo de correspondentes estrangeiros, entre eles, o correspondente da BBC no Rio, Wyre Davis, que saiu bem impressionado do encontro, e terminou com a frase: "Para mim, foram horas valiosas ao lado de uma das líderes mais poderosas, porém menos compreendidas, do mundo."
Leia a seguir o relato de Wyre Davis, da agência estatal britânica de notícias BBC:
"Ela adora seriados britânicos de época e sonha com a anonimidade de uma vida "normal". Também se orgulha de apresentar aos seus convidados o local que chama de casa – certamente um dos mais finos projetos do arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer – e admite ter passeado por Brasília na garupa de uma moto.
Dilma Rousseff também defende com paixão a forma como o Brasil organizou e se preparou para a Copa do Mundo de 2014.
A presidente eleita de 200 milhões de brasileiros raramente dá entrevistas, muito menos para a imprensa estrangeira. Mas estes são tempos importantes para o Brasil, país que se encontra no centro da atenção global, nem toda ela positiva.
Faltando apenas uma semana para a abertura do torneio, a presidente me pergunta se eu acho que não vai ter Copa. A pergunta é retórica. "Claro que vai ter", responde, "e tudo vai estar pronto".
Ela diz que os grandes projetos de infraestrutura só são entregues na última hora "em todo lugar do mundo". Mas afirma que "essas obras ficarão prontas porque são projetos essenciais para todo o país, não apenas para a Copa", defende.
"Você não consegue terminar um metrô em dois anos. Pelo menos não no Brasil. Talvez só na China."
'Soluções macro'
Nosso seleto grupo conversa observando os agradáveis jardins do Palácio da Alvorada. Concordando em discordar sobre se os problemas serão esquecidos quando a bola começar a rolar, no dia 12 de junho, passamos à sala de jantar.
Dilma, a líder normalmente reticente, relaxa.
Enquanto os jornalistas se esbanjam em filé e moqueca de camarão, a presidente prefere um modesto prato de massa e não leva uma gota de álcool aos lábios em toda a noite. (Nota do blog: seria uma comparação com Aécio?)
Ela minimiza o que chama de histórias de horror reproduzidas pela imprensa sobre os possíveis problemas de transporte durante a Copa do Mundo, a segurança dos estádios e até uma epidemia de dengue.
Sua informalidade com pessoas que acaba de conhecer é cativante. Sua compreensão dos detalhes de questões de políticas públicas, especialmente macroeconômicas, é convincente.
A sensação é de que, apesar de estar absorvida pelas quatro semanas que duram a Copa do Mundo, suas preocupações reais são os desafios de longo prazo enfrentados pelo país.
"No Brasil, não temos projetos pequenos", conta, enquanto defende a resolução dos problemas brasileiros através de "soluções macro". Cita como exemplo os projetos de levar energia elétrica a milhões de brasileiros que vivem nas regiões mais pobres.
Dilma indica que, se for reeleita para um segundo mandato, não mexerá nos seus princípios de política econômica, que críticos veem como protecionista, marcada por excessivo intervencionismo estatal.
A presidente de centro-esquerda cita com orgulho os benefícios que tiraram 30 milhões de brasileiros da pobreza e rejeita a ideia de um livre mercado. Diz que o Estado é necessário para alcançar melhorias nos serviços públicos, especialmente na educação.
Política internacional
Um segundo mandato de Dilma Rousseff prometeria maior engajamento no cenário internacional. Uma das razões por que a imprensa estrangeira raramente tem acesso a ela é o fato de sua plataforma dar tão pouco espaço à política externa.
No alto dessa agenda, está reparar as relações com os Estados Unidos. A presidente cancelou uma visita de Estado a Washington no ano passado após revelações de espionagem, de que ela, ministérios, empresas e cidadãos brasileiros teriam sido alvos.
Durante o jantar, Dilma reafirma que deseja um sinal claro de que a espionagem não voltará a ocorrer. Ao mesmo tempo, afirma que o relacionamento Brasil-Estados Unidos vive apenas uma "pausa" e não uma paralisia.
"Temos uma parceria forte, estratégica com os Estados Unidos, e tenho muito respeito pelo (presidente americano, Barack) Obama", afirma. "Não estamos casados, mas estamos meio que namorando", brinca.
Dilma receberá no dia 17, em Brasília, o vice de Obama, Joe Biden – que assistirá no dia anterior à estreia da equipe americana na Copa.
A conversa inevitavelmente retorna ao Mundial. Sem ser questionada, Dilma fala dos protestos, e diz que os manifestantes têm "100%" de direito a se manifestar.
Mas ressalva que "a maioria dos brasileiros está apoiando a Copa" e os manifestantes não podem "interferir ou atrapalhar" o torneio.
Seu governo agora parece determinado a não deixar que os protestos ganhem força, como ocorreu em junho de 2013. A mobilização de milhares de policiais e soldados nas ruas brasileiras será acompanhada de perto pela imprensa.
Dilma Rousseff tem orgulho da democracia brasileira cada vez mais forte. E acredita que o país está no caminho certo, apesar da violência nas grandes cidades. Rejeita que seu governo esteja "usando" o torneio para colher benefícios políticos.
"Eu estava na prisão na Copa de 1970. Havia uma ditadura brutal no país", relembra Dilma. Em meio à repressão e a tortura, muitos então questionavam se seu seu apoio à Seleção significava apoiar o regime.
"Agora é diferente. O governo ajuda a organizar a Copa, mas não vejo uma relação política entre as duas coisas."
A noite com a presidente termina com anedotas sobre como adoraria poder caminhar pelas ruas sem ser notada e sobre sua paixão pela leitura. Dilma está na casa dos 60 mas não dá sinais de desacelerar.
Mesmo dormindo apenas seis horas por noite – "nem de longe" o suficiente, diz – ainda encontra tempo para ciceronear jornalistas pelo Palácio da Alvorada e posar para fotos.
É um exercício de relações públicas para uma presidente que será pressionada a aparecer mais claramente no cenário internacional se for reeleita para um segundo mandato.
Para mim, foram horas valiosas ao lado de uma das líderes mais poderosas, porém menos compreendidas do mundo". (Da BBC Brasil)
FONTE: blog "Os amigos do Presidente Lula" (http://osamigosdopresidentelula.blogspot.com.br/2014/06/dilma-vira-o-jogo-correspondente-diz.html#more).
Dilma no "New York Times"
Excelente entrevista da Presidente Dilma publicada esta semana com destaque no "New York Times".
"A entrevista causou boa impressão em Washington, foi uma boa surpresa, inclusive sua opinião sobre Cuba casa com a mesma opinião de muitos diplomatas do Departamento de Estado Ao defender a construção do porto de Mariel, que será operado por uma companhia particular de Singapura, Dilma diz que Cuba precisa de mais economia de mercado e não embargo.
Parabéns a quem assessorou essa entrevista, está no tom certeiro, não precisa nem mais e nem menos.
Do "New York Times":
Brazilian President Rejects Criticism Over World Cup
Simon Romero
"The year was 1970. Agents of Brazil’s military dictatorship had arrested Dilma Rousseff, then a member of a fledgling urban guerrilla group, the Palmares Armed Revolutionary Vanguard. Inside the prison where she was being held in São Paulo, a debate raged among the inmates: Should they support Brazil in that year’s World Cup?
“At that time, many people opposed to the government initially questioned whether we would be strengthening the dictatorship by rooting for Brazil’s team,” Ms. Rousseff, 66, who is now Brazil’s president, said in an interview here on Tuesday. “I had no such dilemma.”
She said resistance dissipated among the jailed guerrillas in the period leading up to Brazil’s victory over Italy in the championship match, which took place in Mexico City.
With Brazil’s government facing widespread discontent over its preparations for the World Cup, Ms. Rousseff made the rare public reference to her imprisonment decades ago, when interrogators tortured her during three years in jail.
Um segundo mandato de Dilma Rousseff prometeria maior engajamento no cenário internacional. Uma das razões por que a imprensa estrangeira raramente tem acesso a ela é o fato de sua plataforma dar tão pouco espaço à política externa.
No alto dessa agenda, está reparar as relações com os Estados Unidos. A presidente cancelou uma visita de Estado a Washington no ano passado após revelações de espionagem, de que ela, ministérios, empresas e cidadãos brasileiros teriam sido alvos.
Durante o jantar, Dilma reafirma que deseja um sinal claro de que a espionagem não voltará a ocorrer. Ao mesmo tempo, afirma que o relacionamento Brasil-Estados Unidos vive apenas uma "pausa" e não uma paralisia.
"Temos uma parceria forte, estratégica com os Estados Unidos, e tenho muito respeito pelo (presidente americano, Barack) Obama", afirma. "Não estamos casados, mas estamos meio que namorando", brinca.
Dilma receberá no dia 17, em Brasília, o vice de Obama, Joe Biden – que assistirá no dia anterior à estreia da equipe americana na Copa.
A conversa inevitavelmente retorna ao Mundial. Sem ser questionada, Dilma fala dos protestos, e diz que os manifestantes têm "100%" de direito a se manifestar.
Mas ressalva que "a maioria dos brasileiros está apoiando a Copa" e os manifestantes não podem "interferir ou atrapalhar" o torneio.
Seu governo agora parece determinado a não deixar que os protestos ganhem força, como ocorreu em junho de 2013. A mobilização de milhares de policiais e soldados nas ruas brasileiras será acompanhada de perto pela imprensa.
Dilma Rousseff tem orgulho da democracia brasileira cada vez mais forte. E acredita que o país está no caminho certo, apesar da violência nas grandes cidades. Rejeita que seu governo esteja "usando" o torneio para colher benefícios políticos.
"Eu estava na prisão na Copa de 1970. Havia uma ditadura brutal no país", relembra Dilma. Em meio à repressão e a tortura, muitos então questionavam se seu seu apoio à Seleção significava apoiar o regime.
"Agora é diferente. O governo ajuda a organizar a Copa, mas não vejo uma relação política entre as duas coisas."
A noite com a presidente termina com anedotas sobre como adoraria poder caminhar pelas ruas sem ser notada e sobre sua paixão pela leitura. Dilma está na casa dos 60 mas não dá sinais de desacelerar.
Mesmo dormindo apenas seis horas por noite – "nem de longe" o suficiente, diz – ainda encontra tempo para ciceronear jornalistas pelo Palácio da Alvorada e posar para fotos.
É um exercício de relações públicas para uma presidente que será pressionada a aparecer mais claramente no cenário internacional se for reeleita para um segundo mandato.
Para mim, foram horas valiosas ao lado de uma das líderes mais poderosas, porém menos compreendidas do mundo". (Da BBC Brasil)
FONTE: blog "Os amigos do Presidente Lula" (http://osamigosdopresidentelula.blogspot.com.br/2014/06/dilma-vira-o-jogo-correspondente-diz.html#more).
Dilma no "New York Times"
Excelente entrevista da Presidente Dilma publicada esta semana com destaque no "New York Times".
"A entrevista causou boa impressão em Washington, foi uma boa surpresa, inclusive sua opinião sobre Cuba casa com a mesma opinião de muitos diplomatas do Departamento de Estado Ao defender a construção do porto de Mariel, que será operado por uma companhia particular de Singapura, Dilma diz que Cuba precisa de mais economia de mercado e não embargo.
Parabéns a quem assessorou essa entrevista, está no tom certeiro, não precisa nem mais e nem menos.
Do "New York Times":
Brazilian President Rejects Criticism Over World Cup
Simon Romero
"The year was 1970. Agents of Brazil’s military dictatorship had arrested Dilma Rousseff, then a member of a fledgling urban guerrilla group, the Palmares Armed Revolutionary Vanguard. Inside the prison where she was being held in São Paulo, a debate raged among the inmates: Should they support Brazil in that year’s World Cup?
“At that time, many people opposed to the government initially questioned whether we would be strengthening the dictatorship by rooting for Brazil’s team,” Ms. Rousseff, 66, who is now Brazil’s president, said in an interview here on Tuesday. “I had no such dilemma.”
She said resistance dissipated among the jailed guerrillas in the period leading up to Brazil’s victory over Italy in the championship match, which took place in Mexico City.
With Brazil’s government facing widespread discontent over its preparations for the World Cup, Ms. Rousseff made the rare public reference to her imprisonment decades ago, when interrogators tortured her during three years in jail.
Sipping orange juice and nibbling on cashews at a spacious circular table in her office, she defended loans from state banks for new stadiums for the soccer tournament and insisted that Brazilians planning to shun the event were a “small minority.”
As the start of this year’s World Cup on June 12 approaches, Ms. Rousseff is grappling with a wave of strikes, a sluggish economy and a presidential race pitting her against rivals who have climbed in public opinion polls. While she is still viewed as a favorite in the October elections, her government has come under criticism over delays in finishing World Cup construction and an array of other stalled public works projects.
A survey released on Tuesday by the "Pew Research Center" found that 72 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the way things were going in Brazil, up from 55 percent just weeks before huge street protests in June 2013 shook Brazilian cities.
The survey, based on 1,003 face-to-face interviews with Brazilian adults in April, also found that two-thirds said Brazil’s economy was in bad shape, and that 61 percent thought hosting the World Cup was a bad idea because it took resources away from public services, including health care and education.
The glum mood, which follows an economic boom that culminated in 7.5 percent growth in 2010, has been compounded by scandals at Brazil’s national oil company, Petrobras, and a multiyear slowdown in economic growth. The economy grew only 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2014, slower than the 0.4 percent expansion reported in the previous three months.
Still, Ms. Rousseff, a member of the leftist Workers Party that has governed Brazil since 2003, vigorously defended her economic record in an hourlong interview at the presidential palace in the modernist capital, Brasília. She insisted that various measures showed that life had generally improved in Brazil.
Citing antipoverty projects that have pulled millions of people into the middle class over the last decade, she said incomes for poorer Brazilians had risen well above the rate of inflation, making Brazil’s progress in reducing poverty comparable to Spain’s experience after the death in 1975 of the dictator Francisco Franco, which ushered in a transition to democratic government.
Emphasizing that inequality had fallen in Brazil while growing in the United States and parts of Europe, Ms. Rousseff, an economist by training, spoke glowingly of the work of Thomas Piketty, the professor at the "Paris School of Economics" whose sweeping studies of inequality have gained widespread attention.
“I think he’s done a fantastic job,” Ms. Rousseff said of Mr. Piketty, who has stood by his conclusions about the evolution of wealth inequality after "The Financial Times" attacked his data.
Ms. Rousseff said that rising incomes in Brazil had created new challenges, reflected in the large demonstrations that have given way to smaller protests, often led by housing activists or anti-establishment groups. She said that many of the protesters’ complaints about the poor quality of services, whether from governments or private companies, were understandable.
“Services grew less than income,” she said, noting as an example the surging access to air travel in Brazil, which has left many travelers fatigued at the mere thought of dealing with the country’s swamped airport infrastructure. Brazil’s larger middle class, she said, has “more desire, more longings, more demands.”
“This forms an intrinsic part of the human being in the society in which we live,” she said. “He obtains something, but he wants more, which is very good.”
Beyond the challenges her government faces before the World Cup, with security forces bracing for a possible return of large-scale protests against spending on the tournament, Ms. Rousseff said the event offered an opportunity to strengthen Brazil’s position on the global stage.
She also said she was prepared for a thaw in relations with the United States, after a souring last year over revelations that the "National Security Agency" had spied on Ms. Rousseff and her inner circle of senior aides. She noted her plans to meet with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. when he visits Brazil this month to watch the United States soccer team play Ghana.
“I’m certain we can pick up our relations where we left off,” Ms. Rousseff said. She said she was prepared to consider rescheduling a state visit to Washington, which she had postponed in September in response to the N.S.A. revelations.
In other matters, Ms. Rousseff said she expected Brazil to continue raising its diplomatic and economic profile in Latin America and the Caribbean. She singled out Cuba as a country where Brazilian companies were making inroads. “We’re betting much more on a policy of investment than a blockade,” she said, referring to the United States’ trade embargo against Cuba, which began in 1960.
In one example of Brazil’s strengthening ties with Cuba, the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht has carried out a $900 million upgrade of Cuba’s Mariel port. Ms. Rousseff said that overhauling Cuba’s economy required the application of “more market forces, not less.”
Helping Cuba to open its economy also reflects on Brazil’s, and Ms. Rousseff’s, political evolution since military rule ended here in 1985. While Brazil now has a president who was a Marxist guerrilla in her youth, it stands out among its neighbors for a law under which perpetrators of rights abuses during the dictatorship are shielded from prosecution.
Brazil’s highest court has upheld the amnesty law, meaning that Ms. Rousseff’s torturers remain free even as commissions examine the politically motivated crimes of that era.
Ms. Rousseff said that as president, she respected the law, despite her personal views. “I don’t believe in vindictiveness, but I also don’t believe in forgiving,” she said.
“It’s a question of the truth,” she added. “It’s extremely important for Brazil to know what happened, because that will mean it won’t happen again.”
FONTE da complementação: reportagem de Simon Romero no jornal norte-americano "The New York Times", enviada por Motta Araujo para o "Jornal GGN" (http://jornalggn.com.br/noticia/dilma-no-new-york-times).
As the start of this year’s World Cup on June 12 approaches, Ms. Rousseff is grappling with a wave of strikes, a sluggish economy and a presidential race pitting her against rivals who have climbed in public opinion polls. While she is still viewed as a favorite in the October elections, her government has come under criticism over delays in finishing World Cup construction and an array of other stalled public works projects.
A survey released on Tuesday by the "Pew Research Center" found that 72 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the way things were going in Brazil, up from 55 percent just weeks before huge street protests in June 2013 shook Brazilian cities.
The survey, based on 1,003 face-to-face interviews with Brazilian adults in April, also found that two-thirds said Brazil’s economy was in bad shape, and that 61 percent thought hosting the World Cup was a bad idea because it took resources away from public services, including health care and education.
The glum mood, which follows an economic boom that culminated in 7.5 percent growth in 2010, has been compounded by scandals at Brazil’s national oil company, Petrobras, and a multiyear slowdown in economic growth. The economy grew only 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2014, slower than the 0.4 percent expansion reported in the previous three months.
Still, Ms. Rousseff, a member of the leftist Workers Party that has governed Brazil since 2003, vigorously defended her economic record in an hourlong interview at the presidential palace in the modernist capital, Brasília. She insisted that various measures showed that life had generally improved in Brazil.
Citing antipoverty projects that have pulled millions of people into the middle class over the last decade, she said incomes for poorer Brazilians had risen well above the rate of inflation, making Brazil’s progress in reducing poverty comparable to Spain’s experience after the death in 1975 of the dictator Francisco Franco, which ushered in a transition to democratic government.
Emphasizing that inequality had fallen in Brazil while growing in the United States and parts of Europe, Ms. Rousseff, an economist by training, spoke glowingly of the work of Thomas Piketty, the professor at the "Paris School of Economics" whose sweeping studies of inequality have gained widespread attention.
“I think he’s done a fantastic job,” Ms. Rousseff said of Mr. Piketty, who has stood by his conclusions about the evolution of wealth inequality after "The Financial Times" attacked his data.
Ms. Rousseff said that rising incomes in Brazil had created new challenges, reflected in the large demonstrations that have given way to smaller protests, often led by housing activists or anti-establishment groups. She said that many of the protesters’ complaints about the poor quality of services, whether from governments or private companies, were understandable.
“Services grew less than income,” she said, noting as an example the surging access to air travel in Brazil, which has left many travelers fatigued at the mere thought of dealing with the country’s swamped airport infrastructure. Brazil’s larger middle class, she said, has “more desire, more longings, more demands.”
“This forms an intrinsic part of the human being in the society in which we live,” she said. “He obtains something, but he wants more, which is very good.”
Beyond the challenges her government faces before the World Cup, with security forces bracing for a possible return of large-scale protests against spending on the tournament, Ms. Rousseff said the event offered an opportunity to strengthen Brazil’s position on the global stage.
She also said she was prepared for a thaw in relations with the United States, after a souring last year over revelations that the "National Security Agency" had spied on Ms. Rousseff and her inner circle of senior aides. She noted her plans to meet with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. when he visits Brazil this month to watch the United States soccer team play Ghana.
“I’m certain we can pick up our relations where we left off,” Ms. Rousseff said. She said she was prepared to consider rescheduling a state visit to Washington, which she had postponed in September in response to the N.S.A. revelations.
In other matters, Ms. Rousseff said she expected Brazil to continue raising its diplomatic and economic profile in Latin America and the Caribbean. She singled out Cuba as a country where Brazilian companies were making inroads. “We’re betting much more on a policy of investment than a blockade,” she said, referring to the United States’ trade embargo against Cuba, which began in 1960.
In one example of Brazil’s strengthening ties with Cuba, the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht has carried out a $900 million upgrade of Cuba’s Mariel port. Ms. Rousseff said that overhauling Cuba’s economy required the application of “more market forces, not less.”
Helping Cuba to open its economy also reflects on Brazil’s, and Ms. Rousseff’s, political evolution since military rule ended here in 1985. While Brazil now has a president who was a Marxist guerrilla in her youth, it stands out among its neighbors for a law under which perpetrators of rights abuses during the dictatorship are shielded from prosecution.
Brazil’s highest court has upheld the amnesty law, meaning that Ms. Rousseff’s torturers remain free even as commissions examine the politically motivated crimes of that era.
Ms. Rousseff said that as president, she respected the law, despite her personal views. “I don’t believe in vindictiveness, but I also don’t believe in forgiving,” she said.
“It’s a question of the truth,” she added. “It’s extremely important for Brazil to know what happened, because that will mean it won’t happen again.”
FONTE da complementação: reportagem de Simon Romero no jornal norte-americano "The New York Times", enviada por Motta Araujo para o "Jornal GGN" (http://jornalggn.com.br/noticia/dilma-no-new-york-times).
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